Thailand is one of the most unreached countries in the world. Less than 1% of Thai people know
Jesus as their personal Savior. God has opened a tremendous door of opportunity for me to teach English in a Thai public school and to the at-risk youth at our ministry. Through the Light of the World curriculum I can take Jesus to my students. They are more open to learning about Him because they are also learning English. The beautiful thing is that when they learn about Him and His love and when they see Him at work in their lives they can’t help but trust Him!
Before each English lesson at the Thai public school or at our Children’s Homes, I pray and ask the God who made us and made the whole world to help the students do well in school, to learn English well, and to know the God who loves them so much. God has answered that prayer in many ways!
The students are testing higher on their standardized English tests. Many students have said they never thought they could learn to really speak English, but now they can! When asked how they first heard about trusting in Jesus as their Savior they often reply, “from teacher Elsie” or others at our ministry.
We have planted a church among the children we minister to. Last week we had a testimony service where the children thanked God for the things He did in their lives during 2024. Many thanked God for coming to know the True God, being able to learn more about Him, for growing in their faith, and for the ways He has helped them even with school and learning English! Seeing the Living God at work in their lives has led many of our children to come to faith. Teaching English through the Light of the World curriculum has been an instrumental part of this! It’s having a huge impact for the Kingdom of God here in Thailand!
–Elsie McCombs and her husband Michael serve as missionaries with Remember Nhu. She taught 127 students with Light of the World last year.